Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ghetto Weddings- Why?

I absolutely love weddings. Not because I've always dreamed of my own wedding as a child- I usually dreamt about being famous & traveling the world. But I love weddings because of the detail & coordination that goes into this elaborate event that the bride and groom plan for months.

I look at the choice in colors and wonder if the bride chose to accommodate the masculinity of her future husband or if she just picked her absolute favorite colors. I observe the carefully crafted wedding favors that the bridal party put together & admire the creativity. You can't go wrong when you go to a wedding in which the food is spectacular. Not to mention the flower arrangements and centerpieces. They are a work of art in addition to the layout of the reception and the detail of the cake. I mean, weddings are some of the most thought out events.

Now, I say all this to get to my next point. Well, it's actually my pet peeve... I can’t stand ghetto weddings. Now if you're offended by the cliché or the worn out use of the term then call it what you must. "Low budget wedding." "Quickie wedding." "Last minute- let's send out a text message & order some chicken wings wedding." You know what I'm talking about especially if you've ever been to one.

Now I'm not opposed to having a small budget friendly wedding. It is a smart thing to do. With the money you spend on weddings you could put a down payment on a house or pay off student loans & have the best honeymoon ever! But I'm opposed to "tacky." I'm dam near allergic to it.

So here's a list of things that I've seen in the past and that I hope not to see from any of you in the future. We can consider it "The no-no list:"

1.) Having your wedding in the hood in which you're guest would rather get dropped off than park their car outside.

2.) Having your wedding at a hall with multiple rooms in which the Quinceanera music next door is louder than yours.

3.) Having your wedding in the dead of summer in an old church that is under construction and has no central air.

4.) Sending out your invitations 1 month in advance. E-vites are unacceptable so please don't give the excuse of going "Green"

5.) Papier-mâché party favors from Party World as decorations. Ex. The ones that fold out into bells and streamers.

6.) Martinelli's Apple Cider from the 99-cent store in which you have been stocking up on since the proposal.

7.) Having guest “BYOB in a cooler” (I've seen it done & my mouth dropped)

8.) Wearing a Tiara when you're over 30 and on your second marriage with two kids. You are no longer daddy's princess & you shouldn't even be wearing white but we'll let that slide. (Ok, I threw that one in there due to personal preference).

9.) Registering at Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus & Tiffany's especially if #'s 1, 2, & 3 apply to you.

10.) Having your cousin who just learned to DJ play a mixed CD.

11.) Having plastic flower bouquets.

12.) Running out of food that your family prepared for the reception because you sent out e-vites that were forwarded to any & everybody. I warned you about that.

... And lastly (I know you thought there would be more)

13.) Forgetting to send out thank you cards. How uncouth!

If you feel that you're in need of proper etiquette training or that you just don't have the funds to go against this list, please contact me. I would love to be of service and spare you the risk of being talked about via text message at your own reception.

*This blog is based on my opinions & does not reflect the beliefs of the members of CC Publishing in its entirety. Or does it?

Hearts & Hugs,



  1. well put. there's definitely a classic way to put on a nice budget friendly wedding w/o putting your friends and family through a backyard boogie or paper plate buffet wedding.

  2. Very good and funny points. People should get married at the court house if they can't keep it classy. I have something funny to email you about this topic. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. DEAD... too funny & too TRUE =)..

  5. LOL...if a person is ghetto, expect a ghetto wedding. At least it's the couple's perfect day.
