Sunday, February 28, 2010


I woke up early Sunday morning with an insatiable need for espresso and sunbeams, but since I reside in New York sunbeams are scarce, but my café sells a Jim Bean which will complement my espresso well. As I rushed through 30 degrees to my favorite café, I was caught off guard by the lack of people on the streets. My Brooklyn neighborhood is busy, bustling, and boisterous at all hours of the day, so it's safe to assume when you see less than two people per a one block radius... something is up. Where is everyone, what block party is all of Brooklyn participating in today, except me? I soon discovered two blocks later whose guest list I was not on...Cupids. Once I reached a commercial street all I noticed were couples, everywhere I looked there was a couple. There were old couples, young couple, ugly couples, fat couples, gay couples, and yes, I even spotted a crackhead couple who were out celebrating their love or high- whichever came first for them. Ahh, so this is what slipped my mind today. Cupid had completely missed me with his arrows of love, lust, or compassion for such a Hallmark holiday. By the time I got to the cafe I was over anything red, pink, floral, and of course any living organism uncaringly partaking in PDA.

I was elated to find the café de-valentined-there was no sign of Cupid anywhere. The walls were just as drab and plain they were before Cupid descended upon the earth. The room was filled with normal crowd of writers, artist, and playwrights, who obviously woke up, with no recollection of ever circling February 14th on their calendar as well. Yet, scanning the room I noticed more people drinking Jim Bean than coffee bean, and after taking a closer look- they were all women. I had to ask myself did they really forget, or are they trying to make themselves forget? Before I could think too deep into the matter I had to answer my phone. It was William, my Valentines date. I managed to make it from Brooklyn to Chelsea in twenty minutes. I arrived to the restaurant completely underdressed, and burning with questions. After observing the couples in the dimly lit restaurant, what is the big deal about Valentines Day? Some of these couples look as if dinner with they’re spouse is a chore. I’ve never understood its purpose. Shouldn’t a person show their partner that you love them everyday, and if so then why is February 14th so special?

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