Friday, February 12, 2010

Only in LA...

I woke up this morning anticipating rain and got what looked like the Universal Studios back lot. You know, where the water hoses are strategically placed in the trees and water comes rushing down the hill by the gallons. Oh, my! Will my 8£ Top Shop umbrella from London suffice? That would be a no! Not a second after getting out the car to go to work does my umbrella get turned inside out by a huge gust of wind. What a way to start out the day.

After work on my way home the skies are blue and the sun begins to show its face. As I drive down Sepulveda Blvd I'm cautious about rolling down my windows in the event that a cop is nearby. I absolutely love my tinted windows and couldn't stand to be without them despite my countless “fix it” tickets. Uh! In Atlanta you can dam near tint the front windshield but that would absolutely be doing the most.

As I get to a stoplight I smell that sticky- icky. It seems like folks in LA smoke weed as casual as smoking cigarettes. You know, in the car on the way to the grocery store, at the park while chillin in the car, in the drive though at PopEyes Chicken, in the club on the dance floor, you know- just anywhere! Rolling a blunt midday at the stop light is as common as a California roll at a stop sign.

I decide to go to the Grocery store where they apparently sell everything you need aside from groceries out in front. A child approaches me to buy chocolate for a school fundraiser before I can even get out my car. I'm all for the cause but its 2pm & school isn’t even out yet. I have suspicions about that chocolate & kindly lie to the kid & say- "Sorry, I have no cash." As I approach the door a young brutha hits me up to buy his mix tape & an entrepreneur attempts to hit me up for incense, 20 sticks for $5. "No thank you- no thank you" I reply. Geesh! I almost forgot what I came to the store for. Inside I recognize the security guard who used to steal alcohol & sell it from the trunk of his car on his break. I think, “Is he still working here?” I shake my head but wonder how much he's selling a bottle of Hornitos Tequila for. On my way out I'm hit up once again for yet another scholarly cause. A young man has a worn out binder with laminated documents asking for me to sign up to receive newspapers or for donations towards his college education. I nicely suggest that he apply for financial aid & to Google the FAFSA website. Really people! Really?

I finally get home after 20 minutes although I live less than 2 miles away from the store. Aw, yes LA traffic. It has spread from the freeway to the streets. If only I could take back all the time that's been lost in traffic. And I dare not text or e-mail because Oprah wants everybody to pledge to make his or her car a text free zone. Well, and I would hope not to injure anyone on the road.

I decide to take a jog in the neighborhood and get some exercise before the sun goes down. Up in the hills I approach a view to die for. To my left is LAX. To my right are gorgeous mountains and between them both, the Pacific Ocean. Was it not raining just hours ago? I decide that I should pick up the pace and run my ass home before a monsoon hits. I've got this curly weave but who's to say that the Santa Monica winds won't snatch it right out.

So, tomorrow’s weather forecast is set to be clear skies until the end of the week. My schedule is jam packed with a To Do list that would put Ryan Seacrest to shame. Why am I working so hard again? Well, Vegas has fortunately made its way into my blackberry calendar this weekend.
Hearts and Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely, like, the most busiest person I know.
