Sunday, February 21, 2010

Valentine's Day gets no love!

I've never "not" been a fan of a holiday. I enjoy them all, even Columbus Day, although I'm not sure why its a National holiday ( we all know he didn't discover America). But any day off from work or a chance to be festive is fine by me. I sport my green on St. Patty's Day & have a beer for fun. I've got my 4th of July plans in action every year. I always have a healthy appetite around Thanksgiving, & I shop for Christmas in October. Then there's Valentines Day. Some people can't stand it. They feel that it's commercialized but hey, what holiday isn't? Macy's would have a Groundhog's Day sale if it meant they could make some extra revenue. I personally have a good relationship with Valentines Day. It treats me very well. Whether I'm in a relationship or not I've always had fun dressing up in my pink & red & giving out Valentines Day cards. I definitely adore receving chocolates like See's, not that Russell Stover chocolate that you can buy at CVS, yuck! I enjoy sending my girl friends Valentines Day cards & surprises. Sometimes I'll even go out with a group of friends and celebrate with everyone whether you're single or a couple. So, what's the big deal? Is the reason why people don't like Valentines Day because they don't have someone to share it with? Or does the commercialism really bother you that much? What's it all about people?

Hearts & Hugs (Especially for Valentines Day)


  1. It's not the commercialsm.. it's like you said, ppl don't like celebrating VDay( Valentine's) b/c of the the idea that it is a holiday for lovers(even tho the holiday wasn't started for that purpose). It has only been in recent yrs where it was decided regardless if you have a lover or not that u could enjoy the hoilday. Yes the cards for mommy & daddy dearest were stocked in your favorite grocery, drug, & Hallmark stores, but what cards were usually sold more... that's right, the ones to your bf, hubby, gf, or wife. It's hard for ppl to get ova the hurdle of Valentines does not have to or always = lovers.

  2. HUGS TO YOU TOO! :D I love Valentines! It's just a cute, fun holiday and it doesn't need to be taken so literal or seriously. It just gives people an excuse to eat a lot of chocolate. That's reason enough to celebrate.

  3. ya there's some kind of exclusivity in the holiday or obligation, which makes people either cringe or skip with joy.
