Sunday, October 17, 2010


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Like many people my age, we are all trying to find that middle ground in which we have a job that makes us happy. Or better yet a "career" that doesn't feel like a job. If this is where we have to spend most of our time throughout life, it would at least be nice to enjoy it rather than wishing the days away and praying for the weekend to come sooner than it did last week. Yet, how do we find that job in these difficult times and what do we do in the mean time? For some of you, you're stuck at a cross roads. You aren't completely sure what you want to do with your life but you sure as hell know what you don't want to be doing. At this point I'd like to offer some advice that I am trying to take myself.

1. If you're unemployed, single, and with out child (this may not obtain to you married with children folks who have a mortgage to pay so don't be reckless) consider this "funemployment." Use your time to discover yourself and what it is that you really want to do. Learn a new language, take a class for fun, and enjoy spending time with your family. This may be the only time that you have to do this before respnsibility comes knocking at your door again. In addition, be smart. Continue to apply for jobs that interest you, work temp jobs on the side to repelnish your savings, and continue to pray for guidance.

2. If you're currently at a job that you don't like. actively put your resume out there. Use Happy hour as a time to network and keep in touch with friends that may be able to connect you to the right people. Do your best not to quit your job without a back up plan (ex. new employment, a budget, weighing the pros and cons).

3. Don't sell yourself short. You went to school to further your opportunities so that you would have choices in employment. So you should not feel stuck in a job that doesn't fulfil you. Even though the economy may not give us much option, if there is a will there's a way. It's scary but you might have to go out on a limb and try new things until you discover what your gifts are.

At this point in your life although we have to be responsible you can also use this as a time of self discovery. You may never fully get this chance again. Life can be tough and we don't always get to pick and choose our mountains but we can at least choose our paths to overcome them.

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